A Blog on Life, the Universe & Stories
We hope you enjoy this collection of stories, insights and articles about reading and life from our groups members, facilitators, clients, community and friends.
Volunteers inspire community support for Shared Reading
Doing a TED Talk when you’re socially anxious...
The Wisdom of Readers: On Feuds.
Citizen of Year rewarded for helping prevent loneliness through Shared Reading program
How did we get here…?
La Trobe University reports on Bibliotherapy: how reading with others can boost your wellbeing
The Wisdom of Readers: Wanting more from life…
Too true to be good…
Life without achievement...
Sometimes, the more difficult the material, the more relatable the story.
If you feel lonely, you are not alone…
Helping people feel less alone... why I became a Shared Reading facilitator.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination...
The Wisdom of Readers: Self-care is an act of resistance.
“All I have to do is open up to the nourishment coming in”
A shared reading session can be the brightest mirror
Gratitude is a reward for letting go
How shared reading helped me to be near people
Stories of change – Mary
Stimulating the creativity of our readers